Entering your licence information

Depending on the categories you select, you may be asked to enter licence information related to the category.

To enter licence information:

  1. If a category requires a licence, when you select Update the confirmation message displays the Enter Licences option.

  2. Select Enter Licences. This displays the Licences screen.

  3. Select Add New or select Use my licences.

  4. If you select Add New in the New licence screen, enter the following:

    • State

    • Licensing authority

    • Licence number

  5. Select Add Licence.

    A confirmation message is displayed about the pending approval of your licence. When you enter licence information, it will undergo a review and approval process. This process usually will be completed within 1 business day.

  6. If you select Use My licences, a confirmation message will be displayed about the pending review and the pending category is shown in the Pending Category section in grey.